Friday, August 10, 2012

5 Steps to a Better Morning

I wish I were a morning person. Truth is, I love being up early; but it doesn't come to me naturally. 

Whatever time I do get up, I tend to be, um, prone to grumpiness, we'll say. I've found that taking care of the following five things are, for me, keys to a better morning. 

1) A clean sink. This involves the night before, obviously. 

2) Coffee. This needs no explanation. 

3) Spending time with Someone, usually in this chair, with these two books. 

4) A made bed. 

5) A task begun. Often, this is a load of laundry. 

(Bonus: Spot the baby belly.) 

What helps you have a good morning?  


  1. Starting with a little exercise of both spirit and body :)

  2. See Mommy doing! Great blog!
    The five things you appreciate in the morning are the same five things that I appreciate too!! A made bed, a clean sink, coffee, Jesus, ....and I actually have two spots that I enjoy sitting...a rocking chair in my bedroom, or out on the patio in a comfy chair when the weather is not too hot or too cold :)
